The Texas Real Estate Commission in August proposed rule changes about which the Texas REALTORS® expressed concerns.
Recently, representatives from TREC and TAR discussed these concerns and agreed on many issues, notably the use of business titles in advertisements, linking to the Information About Brokerage Services form on business websites, and the ability of TAR to continue to provide forms to its members.
The Texas Real Estate Commission will discuss these rule changes and other proposals at its next meeting, November 13. Staff and volunteer leadership of the Texas REALTORS®, who will attend the meeting, appreciate the opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process.
My proposal would be to get the Real Estate forms/docs OFF the TREC web site! I have to go to school and get a license to fill out real estate forms for clients. Yet, ANYONE, a neighbor, a friend, a relative, can get a purchase contract off the TREC web site and fill it out and basically do what I do, with NO license!! Why is that ok!!!???
Legally only licensed agents can use TREC promulgated contracts.
I know legally only licensed agents are to complete the promulgated contracts, but title companies or someone is closing the transactions without agents involved.
Please understand that anyone can use TREC forms because they are not copyrighted and are available for public use. Aaron and Denise; whoever is giving you this information is incorrect!
I don’t agree that anybody can get a TREC contract and use it ,who does TREC work for.They just went around all our education,licensing and required MCE coursed we have to take to renew our licenses and allowed the public and title companies to do the work we do, without a license.
TREC does not work for Realtors…they work on behalf of consumers through the State of Texas.
Many here are getting confused – it is TAR forms that are only for use by TAR members, and it is TAR that works for its’ members.
TREC forms are for public use, and legally there is no restriction on 2 private citizens completing a real estate transaction on their own.