Follow these three steps to create a persuasive, all-purpose bio you can use for website profiles, marketing collateral, and professional obligations.
1. Turn your list of accomplishments into a conversation
A bio should include professional highlights but not read like a resume or list. Take the accomplishments you’re most proud of and in a few sentences explain why they’re relevant to potential clients. For example, did a previous role help you develop skills or knowledge that’s specific to your market area? Or does an award demonstrate a way you’ve set yourself apart from competitors? Try to recreate the tone you’d use in conversation when asked about your business.
2. Add a sense of your personality
Help prospects get to know you by creating a link between your passion and professional accomplishments. For example, if you were drawn to the area because of a past time or interest, explain how that ties into your expertise. If you enjoy getting to know new people, give an anecdote illustrating how that translates to the level of service you provide.
3. Make it concise and clean
Be conscientious of your prospects’ time and attention by keeping your bio under 300 words. Keeping your bio concise also helps ensure it can be reused in different scenarios and platforms. Read it aloud to check for awkward phrasing or confusing sentences, and of course, edit for spelling and grammar.
Excellent information and I totally agree, it should not sound like a resume, but that is what we normally think of first, and definitely passion for what you do for your Clients as well as other agents is a great idea. 300 words limit was not even on my radar – Thank You for these Three Steps – most helpful!